4″ Natural Loofah


Loofahs are a natural agricultural product, the dried inside of a loofah gourd (a type of squash). They are the color of pale straw and vary in shape and size. They are a natural way to scrub and exfoliate your body, without the use of plastic.

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✅ 4 Inches in Length high quality natural loofah sponges. Sizes vary slightly as this is a 100% natural product. Just soak it in warm water for several mins to help is soften.

✅ Apply Your Favorite Soap scrub your body with the loofah, to remove dead skin and leave your skin smooth.

✅ Use Around the House great for household cleaning and scrubbing.It can be used to clean pans, dishes, and baking racks,etc.

✅ Caring For Your Loofah

  • Rinse your loofah after each use. Use clean water, making sure all the soap is gone. Soap left in the loofah could begin to smell.
  • Dry the loofah completely between uses. Put it in a place with good circulation so it can dry completely. Drying it out will extend the lifespan of the loofah.
  • Sanitize the loofah once a week. You can microwave it for 30 seconds, or boil it in hot water for several minutes. No matter what method you use, do it at least once a week to make sure the loofah stays healthy for use.
  • Replace your loofah every 4 weeks. After this much time the loofah will be starting to fall apart from use. If you haven’t been sanitizing your loofah, it’s no longer safe for use after three weeks. Either way, for your health, time to get a new loofah.

Additional information

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 3 × 2 × 1 in
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